Contoh News Item Text Beserta Strukturnya

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Contoh news item text beserta strukturnya – Halo sahabat SyahRiL.ID semua, diantara kalian siapa nih yang demen nonton berita? Lebih senang mana, nonton atau membaca berita? Nah, artikel kali ini akan membahas teks berita dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dikenal dengan News item text.

What is News item text? Bagaimana strukturnya? Apa saja ciri-cirinya? Yuk, kita bahas bareng semuanya disini secara lengkap beserta dengan contoh maupun contoh soalnya.

Pengertian News Item Text

News item text adalah jenis teks atau tulisan yang isinya memberikan informasi teraktual tentang peristiwa yang penting untuk diberitakan secara akurat berdasarkan fakta.

News item text is a type of text or writing whose contents provide up-to-date information about important events to be reported accurately based on facts.

Tujuan utama news item text adalah memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar sehingga isinya biasanya merupakan informasi kejadian terbaru.

News item text masuk ke dalam kategori teks non fiksi yang mengedepankan faktualitas. Namun sekarang ini banyak sekali yang sering memberitakan kejadian-kejadian hoaks yang tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang ada. Oleh karena itu, kita harus selektif dalam membaca berita yang valid.

Generic Structure of News Item Text

Seperti jenis teks lainnya, news item text juga memiliki struktur tersendiri. Umumnya news item text memiliki tiga struktur utama. Simak masing-masing penjelasannya.

Main Event (Newsworthy event)

Bagian ini berisi informasi inti berita yang disajikan. Disini dijelaskan ringkasan berita kejadian yang terjadi.

Background Event (Elaboration)

Bagian ini memuat latar belakang peristiwa. Disini dijelaskan mengenai pelaku, lokasi, waktu kejadian, pihak-pihak yang terkait, dan latar belakang/penyebab terjadinya kejadian secara detail.

Source (Sumber informasi)

Bagian ini berisi semua sumber berita. Pernyataan, komentar, kesaksian, dan pendapat dari pihak-pihak yang terlibat dicantumkan disini.

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya
contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

Language Features of News Item Text

What are the language features of news item text? Secara garis besar ada lima unsur/kaidah kebahasaan yang perlu Anda perhatikan dalam menulis sebuah news item text.

Menggunakan Action Verb

Penulis harus menggunakan action verb dalam menulis sebuah news item text. Misalnya kata-kata seperti run, catch, hit, crash, dan sebagainya.

Menggunakan Saying Verb

Berita yang disajikan dalam news item text wajib ditulis dengan menggunakan saying verb, misalnya said dan stated. Kata-kata ini berfungi untuk menjelaskan informasi tambahan dari para saksi maupun pihak yang berwajib.

Menggunakan Passive Sentences

Dasarnya, news item text menceritakan kejadian yang telah terjadi lalu diberitakan. Maka penulis wajib menggunakan passive verb dalam penulisan kalimat.

Selain itu penulis juga harus menambahkan adverb dalam passive Ketika merumuskan kalimat berita yang akan disajikan kepada pemirsa.

Mencantumkan Informasi sebagai Judul Utama

Judul utama atau headline dalam news item text haruslah mencantumkan informasi yang nyata dan akurat bukan sebuah cerita hasil karangan/imajinasi.

Sebagai tambahan, dalam menulis sebuah news item text kalian harus berfokus pada peristiwa yang terjadi bukan kepada pelakunya. Disini pelaku hanya berfungsi sebagai supporting idea untuk memperjelas peristiwa inti.

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Contoh News Item Text Beserta Strukturnya

Setelah melihat penjelasan tentang definition, generic structure dan language feature of news item text, yuk! kita lihat contoh news item text di bawah ini.

Contoh News Item Text Singkat

Beberapa contoh news item text Bahasa Inggris singkat telah kami rangkum dari media pupuler di tanah air.

News Item Text About Healthy

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya
contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

Dozens of Wedding Party Guests at the Restaurant Take Rapid Tests, some are Reactive

JAKARTA, – Dozens of visitors and guests of the Golden Leaf International restaurant took the rapid test during a health protocol raid during the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic during the implementation of large-scale social restrictions ( PSBB) transition.

“We are conducting a rapid antigen test for guests,” said the Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit, Arifin, during a raid in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta, Saturday (12/12/2020) night. The DKI Jakarta Satpol PP conducted a raid and temporarily sealed the Golden Leaf restaurant for violating health protocols. The restaurant held a wedding party without obtaining permission from the DKI Jakarta Tourism Office.

In fact, inside the restaurant, there were two wedding parties held at once. In addition, restaurant management has also opened private karaoke services which have not been permitted during the transitional PSBB in Jakarta. Several visitors and wedding party organizers were seen protesting the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP officers when asked to do a rapid test.

As a result, a number of visitors were detected reactive. The officers then sealed the restaurant for 3×24 hours and imposed a fine of Rp. 50 million. After the inspection, several officers from the fire department sprayed disinfectant in the wedding hall and the rooms in the restaurant.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government reported that as of Saturday (12/12/2020), there were 151,201 positive cases of Covid-19 in Jakarta. That number increased by 951 cases from the report on Friday (11/12) of 150,250.

(Source: Irfan Maullana)

News Item Text About Criminal

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya
contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

BNN and Police Successfully Find 180 Kg of Cannabis Under the Mattress

BNN in collaboration with the Tebingtinggi Police succeeded in arresting a marijuana dealer with the initials RN alias Inal (41). The arrest was made on Friday (16/8/2019) in the development of the case carried out by the joint team.

From the suspect’s statement, the Drug Investigation Unit of the Tebingtinggi Police and BNN managed to confiscate 180 kg of marijuana hidden under a mattress in a house on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta in the Tambangan area, Tebingtinggi.

The evidence was then secured at the police station for further investigation. The Head of the Tebingtinggi Police, AKBP Sunadi, added that the marijuana package was ready for distribution.

Sunadi also said that Inal would be charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 and/or Article 111 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

News Item Text About Economy

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya
contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

This is how the Creative Economy Industry Rises in the Middle of a Pandemic

Jakarta – Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said that currently there are 17 million jobs that depend on the creative economy sector. He encouraged the National Creative Economy Movement (Gekrafs) to participate in contributing to Indonesia’s economic growth, and become the backbone in advancing the creative industry in the midst of a pandemic.

“I can see this economic revival starting from Gekrafs friends, who have been proactive for several years in helping the government in the process of economic recovery due to the pandemic, through collaborative, adaptive and innovative activities,” said Sandiaga in his statement, Sunday (6/6). /2/2022).

See also  Pengertian Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya!

Sandiaga said he received a report that this activity involved around 200 people who attended in person at GKJ and 1,000 people who attended online. He said this event could create new job opportunities.

News Item Text Tentang Banjir

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya
contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

Floods Hit Nunukan

Kalimantan is again hit by disasters. Not yet finished with the haze problem that hit Kalimantan, now Kalimantan is hit by floods again, precisely in Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan.

The flood occurred after heavy rains that fell from Tuesday (13/8/2019) to Wednesday (14/8/2019) at midnight. The height of the puddle varies, which is between 20 cm to 120 cm.

Rita Rosita from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that the flood was caused by the overflowing of the Mamolo River, Nunukan Regency, causing 40 houses in Mamolo hamlet to be submerged in puddles of water.

“Not only submerging people’s houses, the swift current of the Mamolo river also damaged 2 connecting bridges, gardens, plants, rice fields, and 4 boats were damaged and 1 resident’s house was heavily damaged,” added Rita.

In addition to residents’ houses and bridges, the flood also damaged people’s gardens, plants and rice fields. Seaweed farmers and fishermen also felt the impact because the flood had also sunk 4 boats and damaged several other boats.

Contoh Soal News Item Text

Setelah mempelajari contoh news item text beserta generic structure dan language feature, kini saatnya menguji pemahaman tentang news item text melalui contoh soal news item text berikut ini.

Read the news and answer the question 1 – 2!

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

1. According to the news, the mini truck crashed ….
A. a motorbike
B. the pedestrian
C. a car
D. a bus
E. a bike

2. The cause of the accident is ….
A. The mini truck driver was sleepy.
B. The motorcycle speeds fast.
C. The pedestrian didn’t notice the horn.
D. The rider was sleepy.
E. The driver was sleepy.

Read the news and answer the question 3 – 5!

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

3. Angeline was found dead in ….
A. the yard behind her house
B. her bedroom
C. the field
D. the front yard
E. the warehouse

4. According to the news, mass media users had made an effort to find Angeline by ….
A. Sharing her pictures.
B. Calling a psychic.
C. Reporting it to the police.
D. Looking for her in her house.
E. Announcing it in the news.

5. The following statement are FALSE based on the news, except ….
A. Angeline was found buried with her favorite doll.
B. Angeline’s mother shared her pictures to mass media.
C. Angeline is hiding from her mother.
D. Angeline had been hiding for several days in her backyard.
E. Angeline was reportedly missing since Sunday.

Contoh Soal Essay News Item Text

Read the news and answer the question!

contoh news item text beserta strukturnya

1. The text talks about ….
2. The percentage of Indonesian lecturers holding doctorate degree is ….
3. The number of lecturers recruited by the government last year was ….
4. what is the language feature of the text?
5. what is the social function of news item text?


Bagaimana, sudah lebih paham tentang materi news item text kan? Coba bandingkan dengan Report Text yang telah kita ulas sebelumnya. Agar lebih paham lagi, ayo terus belajar bersama SyahRiL.ID. Masih banyak materi lain yang bisa kalian temukan disini.

Demikian penjelasan tentang contoh news item text beserta strukturnya. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat buat para guru Bahasa Inggris dalam memberikan materi news item kepada peserta didiknya.

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Lulusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2007 sebagai part-time blogger dan Educator. Tertarik dengan dunia Bisnis, Teknologi dan Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.