Pengertian Explanation Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Pengertian Explanation Text dalam Bahasa Inggris – Kata Explanation mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kita semua, apalagi bagi Anda yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah. Explanation artinya penjelasan. Ketika Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris, guru selalu mengatakan untuk memperhatikan penjelasan materi yang dibawakan.

Bahkan kita seringkali diminta untuk mengulangi penjelasan dari materi yang telah diberikan. Teks yang Anda ucapkan ketika memberikan penjelasan itulah yang dinamakan explanation text.

Melalui artikel ini akan kita ulas tentang explanation text mulai dari pengertian, generic structure, language features, contoh dan contoh soal explanation text. Jadi, silahkan simak artikel ini hingga selesai.

Pengertian Explanation Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Explanation text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang memberikan informasi mengenai terjadinya suatu proses. Jika dalam procedure text menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara membuat atau melakukan sesutu, maka explanation text membahas tentang bagaimana jalannya proses tersebut.

Pada umumnya explanation text menjelaskan tentang proses terjadinya suatu fenomena alam, ilmiah, sosial, dan budaya. Sehingga teks ini sering ditemukan dalam buku sejarah, sains, geografi, dan jurnal ilmiah.

Explanation text is one type of text in English that provides information about the occurrence of a process.

Tujuan maupun fungsi sosial teks ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang bagaimana sesuatu bekerja atau mengapa sesuatu terjadi.

Generic Structure of Explanation Text

Sebagaimana jenis teks lainnya, explanation text juga memiliki struktur tersendiri yang membedakannya dengan teks yang lain. Struktur utama explanation text yaitu:

Title atau Judul

Judul pada explanation text memberikan gambaran tentang proses atau isi dalam tulisan. Biasanya diawali dengan kata “why”, “what”, dan “how”. Misalnya, ‘what is causes a tsunami?’, ‘how the coronavirus spread?’, ‘why is the earthquake happens?’, dan sebagainya.

General Statement atau Pernyataan umum

Bagian ini berisi informasi umum seputar topik yang akan dijelaskan.

Explanation atau Penjelasan

Pada bagian ini dijelaskan tentang proses bagaimana hal tersebut terjadi. Biasanya di buat dalam beberapa paragraf yang berkesinambungan.

Closing atau penutup

Berisi keterangan atau informasi yang bersifat menyimpulkan dan menyatukan semua penjelasan serta penyataan di bagian sebelumnya.

Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Language Features of Explanation Text

Explanation text mempunyai unsur kebahasaan atau language feature sebagai berikut:

  1. Menggunakan simple present tense, explanation text umumnya membahas tentang fakta dan bukan hasil rekaan. Sehingga struktur kalimat terdiri dari Subject + Base Verb/V1.
  2. Memakai passive voice yang berfungsi untuk menekankan dan mempertegas focus proses kejadian yang berlangsung bukan kepada subyeknya. Struktur passive voice simple present yang digunakan yaitu Subject + To Be (am, is, are) + Past Participle/V3.
  3. Memakai noun phrase yang berfungsi sebagai adverbial seperti kata, frasa, atau klausa yang menjelaskan keseluruhan klausa dengan menambahkan informasi waktu, tempat, cara, kondisi, alasan, dan tujuan. Noun phrase ini nantinya yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan tentang semua proses yang terjadi.
  4. Menggunakan action verbs, yaitu jenis kata kerja yang dipakai untuk menjelaskan aksi yang berlangsung. Misalnya make, erase, close, clean, etc.
  5. Menggunakan technical terms, yaitu istilah-istilah teknis, istilah sains, statistic, dan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan fenomena yang dibahas. Misalnya, jika teks membahas tentang pandemic covid 19 tentu aka nada istilah-istilah seperti, coronavirus, omnichron, sinovac, karantina, bubble, etc.

Setelah mempelajari pengertian, generic structure, dan language features of explanation text, selanjutnya simak contoh explanation text di bawah ini.

Contoh Explanation Text Beserta Generic Structure

Berikut ini beberapa contoh explanation text beserta generic structure dan language features terbaru. Silahkan pelajari, amati, dan identifikasi generic structure nya.

Explanation Text About Global Warming

What is Global Warming?

Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Global warming means global warming or the impact of the greenhouse effect. Global warming is a phenomenon of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, the Earth’s landmass, and the oceans as a whole.

In addition, global warming can also be interpreted as an increase in the overall temperature of the earth. Usually, this phenomenon is also characterized by ice at the Pole which is slowly melting and temperatures in various places around the world tend to rise.

Of course, it is very difficult to avoid and stop completely when faced with conditions like this, because of the pattern of human life that continues to develop and change. Therefore, what needs to be done is to reduce the more severe impact of global warming. Summarized from and Salamadian, here is the full review for you.

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Cause of global warming

Air pollution due to fuel

Engine fuel from motorized vehicles such as cars and motorcycles or other vehicles will produce carbon dioxide gas. The existence of these gases will make the heat cannot be passed into space so that it will settle in the earth.

Increased greenhouse gases

This greenhouse gas occurs due to the burning of petroleum. Even coal fuel and natural gas combustion. All of these things cause the reflected warming is not transmitted to outer space but instead returns to earth.

Excessive use of CFCs

CFC is one of the chemicals produced for various household appliances. For example, such as air conditioners or coolers and refrigerators. The use of CFCs is able to make global warming occur because of chemicals that are constantly used.

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect makes heat that is on earth cannot be reflected into space, but becomes trapped in the atmosphere. Actually, this greenhouse effect can be beneficial for human life. However, if its use is excessive, it can have an effect on the climate and weather on earth.


As it is known that forests are one of the tappers of carbon dioxide on earth. Well, if the forest is getting denuded, then over time nothing can reduce carbon dioxide anymore.

Methane Pollution due to Agriculture, Livestock and Plantation

In addition to carbohydrates, there are also those that have the biggest role in causing global warming, namely methane. The presence of methane gas comes from bacteria that lack oxygen to break down organic materials.

In addition, because of excessive fertilization, methane gas pollution occurs.

How to Overcome Global Warming


Reforestation is one of the effective ways to deal with excessive carbon dioxide. According to Thomas Crowther (ecologist) planting trees is the easiest solution and the most effective way to tackle

global warming.

Save Energy Usage

One way to deal with global warming is to turn off lights that are no longer in use. The electricity generated by power plants is generated from fuels derived from petroleum, natural gas or coal.

By saving on energy use, especially electricity, we will make a contribution to reducing the pollution that comes from burning these substances.

Reduce Use of Private Vehicles

Lots of people currently own a private vehicle. The use of private vehicles will cause global warming.

Therefore, as much as possible leave private vehicles and if possible, travel using public transportation. So 30 people in one bus is better than 30 people driving their own vehicles for our earth.

Explanation Text About Covid-19

What causes Covid-19?

Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris

COVID-19 is a disease caused by infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 can cause respiratory system disorders, ranging from mild symptoms such as flu, to lung infections, such as pneumonia.

COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a new disease caused by a virus from the Coronavirus group, namely SARS-CoV-2 which is also often called the Corona virus.

The first case of this disease occurred in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. After that, COVID-19 spread between humans very quickly and spread to a number of countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from spreading further, several countries have imposed lockdown policies. In Indonesia, the government implemented the policy of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to suppress the spread of this virus.

If you need a COVID-19 test, click on the link below so you can be directed to the nearest health facility:

  • Rapid Test Antibodies
  • Antigen Swab (Rapid Test Antigen)
  • PCR

Causes of COVID-19

COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is a new type of coronavirus (a group of viruses that infects the respiratory system). Corona virus infection can cause mild to moderate respiratory infections, such as the flu, or infections of the respiratory system and lungs, such as pneumonia.

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At the end of 2020, several case reports stated that the Corona virus had mutated into several new types or variants, such as the delta variant.
COVID-19 was initially transmitted from animals to humans. After that, it was discovered that this infection can also be transmitted from human to human. Transmission can be through the following ways:

Accidentally inhaled the droplets of saliva that come out when a person with COVID-19 sneezes or coughs
Holding your mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands first, after touching objects that have COVID-19 droplets, such as money or doorknobs
Close contact (less than 2 meters) with people with COVID-19 without wearing a mask.

The CDC and WHO state that COVID-19 can also be transmitted through aerosols (particles of substances in the air). However, this mode of transmission usually occurs in certain medical procedures, such as bronchoscopy, endotracheal intubation, suctioning of mucus, and administering inhaled drugs via a nebulizer.

Transmission through the air can also more easily occur in crowds of people, especially in closed spaces.

From the data released by WHO, there are currently several variants of SARS-CoV-2 that cause COVID-19. Following are the details of the new variant types:

Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Soal Explanation Text

Untuk menguji pemahaman materi explanation text, silahkan kerjakan contoh soal explanation text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya berikut ini.

Read the following text then answer the questions below!

Why Are Glaciers Melting?

A glacier or glasler is a large chunk of ice that is an accumulation of frozen snow deposits over the years. Glaciers form above ground level. The coverage area is very wide even to resemble the mainland. Glaciers are found at the north pole and south pole and in the highest mountainous areas in the world such as in the Himalayas and at the peak of Jaya Wijaya in the province of West Papua.

The process of forming a glacier starts from the slopes of a mountain basin. From these basins, glaciers are formed when snow falls, after settling the air is trapped between snowflakes to form solid snowflakes. As the snow increases, the solid snowflakes turn into glacial ice. Glaciers contain various substances such as rock, snow, and sediment so that when the glacier slides down it changes the contours of the mountains. Glaciers are there all season long, no matter what part of the world it is in. As long as the temperature is maintained, glaciers will still form.

Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris
Pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris

In recent years there have been several factors that affect the air temperature in the world, including Indonesia. This factor is known as global warming. During global warming, the earth’s temperature is hot, this makes the ice in the glaciers melt and the land shrinks because the ice has melted and slowly submerged the land surface.

If this happens continuously, a quarter of the land on earth will be lost. Java Island which is a low land is estimated to be submerged, and only large islands remaining such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua.

The melting of glacier ice is a phenomenon that cannot be prevented quickly, it will take a long time to restore the lost balance of nature. It takes millions of years for glaciers to form, while global warming has melted glacier ice within weeks.

Contoh Soal Explanation Text Pilihan Ganda

1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell the reader about where they can find gletser
B. To tell the reader about what causes gletser melting
C. To tell the reader about how to watch the gletser melting

2. The general statement of the passage is in paragraph ….
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

3. The following statements are false according to the text, except.
A. We can prevent glaciers from melting fast
B. Glaciers can form easily
C. it takes a long time for a glacier to form

Soal Explanation Text Essay

  1. What is the text about?
    teks tersebut berisi tentang apa?
  2. what is the purpose of the text above
    Apa tujuan dari teks di atas?
  3. what will happen if the glaciers continue to melt?
    apa yang akan terjadi jika gletser mencair terus menerus?
  4. Where is the glacier formed?
    Di mana gletser terbentuk?
  5. How is glacier form?
    Bagaimana gletser terbentuk?


Itulah penjelasan tentang contoh soal dan pengertian explanation text dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga kalian menjadi lebih paham tentang teks tersebut.

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Lulusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2007 sebagai part-time blogger dan Educator. Tertarik dengan dunia Bisnis, Teknologi dan Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.