30 Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

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Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris – Dalam era globalisasi ini, kemampuan berbahasa Inggris menjadi salah satu keterampilan yang sangat penting. Salah satu aspek penting yang sering dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah label makanan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Memahami label makanan adalah keterampilan yang berguna untuk memastikan bahwa individu dapat membuat pilihan makanan yang sehat dan aman. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal yang dirancang untuk membantu memperkuat pemahaman Anda tentang label makanan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda

1. What is the primary social function of food labels?

a) Advertising the brand
b) Providing nutritional information
c) Showing the price of the product
d) Indicating the shelf life of the product

Answer Key: b) Providing nutritional information.

2. Which of the following is typically found in the structure of a food label?

a) A persuasive appeal
b) Nutritional facts
c) A narrative story
d) Anecdotal evidence

Answer Key: b) Nutritional facts

3. The phrase “Best Before” on a food label refers to:

a) The date of manufacture
b) The expiry date
c) The date of packaging
d) The selling date

Answer Key: b) The expiry date

4. Which language feature is common on food labels to provide information clearly?

a) Metaphorical expressions
b) Technical vocabulary
c) Similes
d) Idiomatic expressions

Answer Key: b) Technical vocabulary

5. Identify the text structure element in the following label excerpt: “Contains 8g of protein per serving.”

a) Comparison
b) Sequence
c) Description
d) Cause and Effect

Answer Key: c) Description

6. Which of the following is a common language feature used in food labels to emphasize nutritional benefits?

a) Hyperbole
b) Alliteration
c) Technical terminology
d) Rhyme

Answer Key: c) Technical terminology

7. In a food label, where would you typically find the list of ingredients?

a) At the top
b) At the bottom
c) In the middle
d) On the side

Answer Key: d) On the side

8. Which of the following information is crucial on a food label for individuals with dietary restrictions?

a) Brand name
b) Serving size
c) Allergen information
d) Price

Answer Key: c) Allergen information

9. What is the purpose of including serving size information on a food label?

a) To compare nutritional values between products
b) To advertise the product
c) To indicate the packaging date
d) To show the brand logo

Answer Key: a) To compare nutritional values between products

10. The term “organic” on a food label typically refers to:

a) The shape of the food item
b) The use of natural ingredients without synthetic chemicals
c) The color of the packaging
d) The size of the food item

Answer Key: b) The use of natural ingredients without synthetic chemicals

11. Which of the following would likely be found on a food label to provide additional information about the product?

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a) A short narrative
b) A bar graph
c) A website URL
d) A poem

Answer Key: c) A website URL

12. Which text structure element is being used in this label excerpt: “First, harvest fresh grapes. Then, crush the grapes to extract juice…

a) Comparison
b) Sequence
c) Description
d) Cause and Effect

Answer Key: b) Sequence

13. In the context of a food label, what does the phrase “Net Weight” refer to?

a) The weight of the food without the packaging
b) The weight of the food with the packaging
c) The weight of the packaging alone
d) The weight of the food when cooked

Answer Key: a) The weight of the food without the packaging

14. The acronym “GMO” on a food label stands for:

a) Generally Modified Organism
b) Genetically Modified Organism
c) Generally Made Organic
d) Generically Made Organism

Answer Key: b) Genetically Modified Organism

15. What is the primary purpose of including a barcode on a food label?

a) To provide nutritional information
b) To track inventory and facilitate checkout
c) To show the brand logo
d) To indicate the expiry date

Answer Key: b) To track inventory and facilitate checkout

Read the following text to answer questions no. 16 – 18!

Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris

16. “This product contains no artificial….”
the word “artificial” in the sentence means…

a) Original
b) Pure
c) Unnatural
d) inexpensive

Answer Key: c) Unnatural

17. How many tablet are suggested to be eaten?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer Key: a) 1

18. The product contains of things below, except…

a) Milk
b) Egg
c) artificial colors
d) sugar

Answer Key: c) artificial colors

19. What is the intention of the text?

Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris

a) To describe to the product
b) To tell of value of the product
c) To advertise the product
d) To give detailed information about the product

Answer Key: d) To give detailed information about the product

20. How many servings are in this container of poptarts?

Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris

a) 1
b) 4
c) 8
d) Unable to tell based on the information

Answer Key: c)8

Contoh Soal Label Makanan dalam Bahasa Inggris Essay

Soal-soal esai ini dirancang untuk memancing analisis dan diskusi yang mendalam mengenai topik pelabelan makanan, yang selaras dengan standar kompetensi untuk siswa kelas IX. Melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, siswa didorong untuk mendalami topik tersebut, mengeksplorasi berbagai aspek pelabelan makanan dari perspektif sosial, struktural, dan linguistik.

Hal ini tentu sesuai dengan tujuan dari kurikulum merdeka dimana pusat pembelajaran adalah murid.

1. Explain the social function of food labels in modern society. Discuss how they facilitate communication between food producers and consumers, and the impact they have on making informed food choices.

Suggested Key Points: Consumer awareness, informed choices, health and safety, transparency, regulatory compliance.

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2. Analyze the structure of a food label. Describe the typical sections found on a food label and the type of information each section provides. Explain the significance of this structure in conveying information to consumers.

Suggested Key Points: Header, nutritional facts, ingredients list, allergen information, expiration date, barcode, certification labels, manufacturer information.

3. Discuss the language features commonly found in food labels. How do these features aid in conveying information clearly and effectively to consumers? Provide examples to illustrate your points.

Suggested Key Points: Technical vocabulary, numerical data, icons and symbols, concise language, standardized terms.

4. Evaluate the importance of clear and accurate labeling in ensuring food safety and supporting consumers’ dietary needs. Discuss any challenges that might arise from misleading or insufficient labeling.

Suggested Key Points: Food safety, allergen information, dietary restrictions, misleading claims, regulatory oversight.

5. Describe how a food label can be designed to be both informative and appealing to consumers. Discuss the balance between aesthetic appeal and clarity of information, providing examples to support your discussion.

Suggested Key Points: Visual appeal, readability, color coding, iconography, consumer engagement, brand recognition.

6. Explain the role of regulatory bodies in standardizing food labeling practices. Discuss the impact of these standards on consumer trust and the food industry as a whole.

Suggested Key Points: Regulatory compliance, standardization, consumer trust, industry accountability.

7. Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding food labeling, especially in terms of providing complete and truthful information to consumers. Include any relevant laws or regulations that govern food labeling in your discussion.

Suggested Key Points: Truthful labeling, ethical responsibility, consumer rights, regulatory frameworks.

8. Explain the concept of “serving size” on food labels and its relevance in helping consumers understand nutritional information. How does serving size relate to daily dietary recommendations?

Suggested Key Points: Nutritional awareness, portion control, dietary guidelines, comparison between products.

9. Discuss the inclusion of allergen information on food labels. How does this practice contribute to consumer safety and inclusivity for individuals with dietary restrictions?

Suggested Key Points: Allergen awareness, food safety, dietary inclusivity, informed choices.

10. Analyze the evolution of food labeling over the years. How have modern labels adapted to changing consumer needs and regulatory requirements? Discuss the potential future of food labeling, considering technological advancements and emerging consumer concerns.

Suggested Key Points: Historical evolution, modern advancements, regulatory adaptations, technological integration, future trends.


Memahami label makanan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah keterampilan penting yang membantu individu membuat pilihan makanan yang lebih sehat dan aman. Melalui latihan dan contoh soal label makanan di atas, diharapkan pembaca dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang informasi penting yang disediakan pada label makanan.

Selain itu, latihan ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris pembaca, khususnya dalam konteks membaca dan memahami label makanan dalam bahasa Inggris.

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Lulusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2007 sebagai part-time blogger dan Educator. Tertarik dengan dunia Bisnis, Teknologi dan Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.