Collective Nouns : Pengertian dan Contoh

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Pernah mendengar tentang collective nouns? collective nouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sekelompok orang, hewan, atau benda. Artikel ini akan membantu Anda memahami lebih dalam mengenai collective nouns, definisi, dan contohnya.

Apa itu Collective Nouns?

Collective nouns adalah kata penamaan yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada sekelompok atau sejumlah hewan, orang, atau benda. Satu hal yang harus Anda ingat saat menggunakan kata collective nouns dalam kalimat adalah menggunakan bentuk verb yang tepat.

Pengertian Collective Nouns

The Collins Dictionary mendefinisikan collective nouns sebagai “kata benda seperti ‘family’ atau ‘team’ yang mengacu pada sekelompok orang atau benda”. Menurut Kamus Merriam-Webster, collective nouns didefinisikan sebagai “kata benda seperti ‘team’ atau ‘flock’ yang mengacu pada sekelompok orang atau benda”.

Contoh Collective Nouns

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh collective nouns

Collective Nouns for Animals

Contoh kata benda kolektif untuk hewan termasuk:

  • A “herd” of elephants (sekelompok gajah)
  • A “flock” of birds (sekelompok burung)
  • A “school” of fish (sekelompok ikan)
  • A School of Fish – A group of fish swimming together.
  • A Flock of Birds – A group of birds, usually flying or gathered together.
  • A Herd of Elephants – A group of elephants.
  • A Pride of Lions – A family group of lions.
  • A Pack of Wolves – A group of wolves that live and hunt together.
  • A Swarm of Bees – A large number of bees moving together.
  • A Colony of Ants – A large group of ants living together, typically in an anthill.
  • A Troop of Monkeys – A group of monkeys.
  • A Murder of Crows – A group of crows, often used in a poetic or ominous sense.
  • A Parliament of Owls – A group of owls, often used in a symbolic or literary context.
  • A Pod of Dolphins – A group of dolphins swimming together.
  • A Gaggle of Geese – A group of geese, typically when they are on the ground or in water.
  • A Clowder of Cats – A group of cats.
  • A Flutter of Butterflies – A group of butterflies flying together.
  • A Bale of Turtles – A group of turtles.
See also  Plural Noun: Pengertian, Contoh, dan Penggunaan

Collective Nouns for People

Contoh untuk orang-orang:

  • A “crowd” of people (sekelompok orang)
  • A “choir” of singers (sekelompok penyanyi)
  • A “team” of athletes (sekelompok atlet)
  • A class of students: This refers to a group of students who are usually in the same grade or level of education.
  • A crew of sailors: A group of sailors working together on a ship.
  • A choir of singers: A group of singers who perform together, typically harmonizing their voices.
  • A panel of experts: A group of experts gathered to discuss, investigate, or provide opinions on a particular subject.
  • A team of athletes: A group of athletes who play or compete together in a sport.
  • A cast of actors: A group of actors performing in a play, movie, or television show.
  • A board of directors: A group of individuals elected to represent shareholders and make decisions about the management of a corporation.
  • An orchestra of musicians: A large group of musicians who play together, typically including strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion instruments.
  • A crowd of people: A large number of people gathered together, typically in a disorganized way.
  • A troupe of dancers: A group of dancers who perform together, often as part of a company or ensemble.

Collective Nouns for Objects/Things

Untuk benda atau objek:

  • A “bunch” of grapes (sekumpulan anggur)
  • A “stack” of books (tumpukan buku)
  • A “fleet” of ships (armada kapal)
  • A bunch of bananas/grapes – This refers to a group of bananas or grapes that are attached together.
  • A stack of books – This is used to describe a pile of books placed on top of each other.
  • A fleet of ships – This term is used for a group of ships sailing together or owned by the same company.
  • A pack of cards – This refers to a complete set of playing cards.
  • A set of tools – This is used to describe a collection of tools, often used together for a specific purpose.
  • A cluster of stars – This term describes a group of stars that appear close to each other in the sky.
  • A bundle of clothes – This refers to a group of clothes tied or wrapped together.
  • A string of pearls – This is used for a series of pearls that have been threaded onto a string.
  • A range of mountains – This term describes a series of mountains connected by high ground.
  • A suite of furniture – This refers to a set of furniture made in the same style and designed to be used together.
See also  Object Pronouns: Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Contohnya!

Penggunaan collective nouns dalam kalimat

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut ini.

  • A School of Fish: “We spotted a large school of fish swimming near the coral reef.”
  • A Flock of Birds: “Every morning, a flock of birds gathers in the trees outside my window.”
  • A Herd of Elephants: “On our safari, we were amazed to see a herd of elephants moving across the savannah.”
  • A Pride of Lions: “The documentary focused on the life of a pride of lions in the African wilderness.”
  • A Pack of Wolves: “In the wilderness, we heard the distant howls of a pack of wolves.”
  • A Swarm of Bees: “The beekeeper carefully managed a swarm of bees to produce honey.”
  • A Colony of Ants: “A colony of ants worked tirelessly to build their anthill in the backyard.”
  • A Troop of Monkeys: “During our jungle hike, we encountered a playful troop of monkeys.”
  • A Murder of Crows: “As the sun set, a murder of crows settled in the treetops.”
  • A Pod of Dolphins: “Off the coast, we were delighted to see a pod of dolphins leaping out of the water.”

Latihan Pemahaman tentang Collective Nouns

  1. What is the collective noun for a group of lions?
  2. What do you call a group of crows?
  3. What is the term used for a group of dolphins?
  4. How do you refer to a group of ants living together?
  5. What collective noun is used for a group of owls?
  6. What do you call a group of wolves that live and hunt together?
  7. What is the collective noun for a group of butterflies?
  8. How do you refer to a large number of bees moving together?
  9. What do you call a group of geese, especially when they are on the ground or in water?
  10. What is the term used for a group of cats?


Collective nouns adalah bagian penting dari bahasa Inggris yang menambahkan kedalaman dan variasi dalam komunikasi. Dengan memahami dan menggunakan collective nouns dengan benar, Anda akan dapat menyampaikan ide dengan lebih jelas dan ringkas.

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Lulusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2007 sebagai part-time blogger dan Educator. Tertarik dengan dunia Bisnis, Teknologi dan Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.