Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement: Asah Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggrismu

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Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement – Agreement and disagreement merupakan bagian penting dalam komunikasi. Kemampuan untuk mengungkapkan persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan dengan baik dapat membantu kita dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, materi ini juga menjadi salah satu fokus utama, terutama bagi siswa SMP dan SMA.

Artikel ini akan memberikan contoh-contoh soal agreement and disagreement beserta pembahasannya. Soal-soal ini dirancang sesuai dengan Kurikulum Merdeka, sehingga dapat membantu siswa dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian atau penilaian.

Memahami Agreement and Disagreement

contoh soal agreement and disagreement

Sebelum masuk ke contoh soal, penting untuk memahami konsep agreement dan disagreement.

Agreement adalah ungkapan persetujuan terhadap suatu pendapat atau pernyataan.

Disagreement adalah ungkapan ketidaksetujuan terhadap suatu pendapat atau pernyataan.

Contoh Ungkapan Agreement and Disagreement

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh ungkapan agreement dan disagreement yang sering digunakan:

Ungkapan Agreement

  • I agree with you.
  • That’s right.
  • Exactly.
  • I think so too.
  • Absolutely.
  • You’re absolutely right.
  • I couldn’t agree more.
  • That’s a good point.

Ungkapan Disagreement

  • I disagree with you.
  • I don’t think so.
  • That’s not true.
  • I don’t agree.
  • I see your point, but…
  • On the contrary…
  • I’m afraid I disagree.

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda

Andi: I think smartphones are essential for students.Budi: … They can be distracting and affect students’ focus.
a. I agree with you.
b. That’s right.
c. I don’t think so.
d. Absolutely.

Rina: We should reduce the use of plastic bags to protect the environment.Dani: … It’s important to find alternatives.
a. I disagree with you.
b. I don’t think so.
c. I couldn’t agree more.
d. That’s not true.

Santi: Social media has a negative impact on young people.Dwi: … It can lead to addiction and cyberbullying.
a. I agree with you.
b. That’s right.
c. I don’t agree.
d. Absolutely.

Contoh Soal Essay

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media. Express your agreement or disagreement with the statement: “Social media has a more negative impact than positive impact on young people.”

Imagine you and your friend are discussing about the importance of education. Express your agreement or disagreement with your friend’s opinion about the role of technology in education.

See also  Contoh Soal Greeting and Leave-Taking untuk Siswa SMP dan SMA di Indonesia (Kurikulum Merdeka)

Tips untuk Menjawab Soal Agreement and Disagreement

  1. Pahami pertanyaan dengan baik.
  2. Identifikasi pendapat yang disampaikan dalam pertanyaan.
  3. Pilih ungkapan yang sesuai dengan pendapat Anda.
  4. Berikan alasan untuk mendukung pendapat Anda.
  5. Gunakan variasi ungkapan untuk menghindari pengulangan.

Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement

contoh soal agreement and disagreement

Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam agreement and disagreement, cobalah untuk berlatih dengan contoh soal agreement and disagreement berikut ini:

1. Sarah: I believe that social media can be a valuable tool for connecting with friends and family who live far away.

Tom: … I think it can also be a major distraction and can lead to feelings of isolation.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: c. I disagree.

2. Emily: I think that it’s important to spend time outdoors and get regular exercise.

David: … I agree, but it can be difficult to find the time with our busy schedules.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: a. I agree with you completely.

3. Jessica: I think that learning a foreign language can open up new opportunities for travel and work.

Kevin: … It can also be a very challenging task, especially for adults.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: b. That’s true.

4. Michael: I think that it’s important to eat a healthy diet and avoid processed foods.

Nicole: … I agree, but it can be expensive to buy fresh, organic produce.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: b. That’s true.

5. Olivia: I think that it’s important to get enough sleep each night.

Peter: … I agree, but it can be difficult to do with our hectic lifestyles.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: a. I agree with you completely.

6. Rachel: I think that it’s important to be kind and compassionate to others.

Stephen: … I agree, but it can be difficult to do when we’re feeling stressed or angry.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: a. I agree with you completely.

See also  Contoh Soal Advertisement Text: Latihan untuk Siswa SMP dan SMA

7. Timothy: I think that it’s important to recycle and reduce our waste.

Vanessa: … I agree, but it can be inconvenient and time-consuming.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: b. That’s true.

8. William: I think that it’s important to be respectful of different cultures and beliefs.

Xenia: … I agree, but it can be challenging to overcome our own biases and prejudices.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: a. I agree with you completely.

9. Yasmin: I think that it’s important to be honest and truthful in our interactions with others.

Zachary: … I agree, but it can be difficult to tell the truth when it might hurt someone’s feelings.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: b. That’s true.

10. Andrea: I think that it’s important to be grateful for the good things in our lives.

Ben: … I agree, but it can be easy to focus on the negative when things are tough.

a. I agree with you completely.
b. That’s true.
c. I disagree.
d. I’m not sure.

Answer: a. I agree with you completely.


1. Apa perbedaan antara agreement dan disagreement?

Agreement adalah ungkapan persetujuan, sedangkan disagreement adalah ungkapan ketidaksetujuan.

2. Bagaimana cara memilih ungkapan agreement atau disagreement yang tepat?

Pertimbangkan pendapat yang disampaikan dan pilih ungkapan yang sesuai dengan pendapat Anda.

3. Apakah penting untuk memberikan alasan ketika mengungkapkan pendapat?

Ya, memberikan alasan dapat memperkuat argumen Anda dan membuat pendapat Anda lebih jelas.

4. Bagaimana cara meningkatkan kemampuan dalam agreement and disagreement?

Latihan secara teratur dengan teman atau keluarga, serta membaca artikel atau menonton video tentang topik tersebut.

5. Apakah ada sumber daya tambahan untuk belajar agreement and disagreement?

Ya, banyak buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris, website, dan aplikasi yang menyediakan materi dan latihan tentang agreement and disagreement.


Menguasai agreement and disagreement adalah keterampilan penting dalam berbahasa Inggris. Dengan latihan yang cukup, Anda dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam mengungkapkan pendapat dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Selamat berlatih!

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Lulusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang berkecimpung di dunia internet sejak 2007 sebagai part-time blogger dan Educator. Tertarik dengan dunia Bisnis, Teknologi dan Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.